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A mostrar mensagens de outubro, 2024


 Hi everyone, I started this (initially) blog as a form that I share with you my progress in my future career goal but I having a lot of stuffs to do that I never update anything here! So...I coming here today to share some updates: Firts of all: As this blog will advanced and be transformed to a portfolio (someday), I decided write in english to be more "accessible" (as it were) and also to increase my english write habilities (that is not the best, as you can see) Secondly, I'll try to come here now and then and share some evolutions that I having. To advance: Last semester in my college, I made a system project for an instituition in Access. Was a DB for them store their information. Was pretty interesting and challenger do this and I want to share with y'all. and finally, it pass more than an year since I start this blog and need to confess that I don't evolved so much as I wanted. I have so much to do and I'm not dedicating the time that I need in my stud